I Need You | Teen Ink

I Need You

February 9, 2010
By Ender PLATINUM, Hagerstown, Maryland
Ender PLATINUM, Hagerstown, Maryland
49 articles 0 photos 14 comments

Favorite Quote:
Perhaps it's impossible to wear an identity without becoming what you pretend to be
-Orson Scott Card

I’m sorry for this dilemma.
I’m not sure how to proceed.
This new scene frightens me.
This future advance I am now able to concede
is an obligation I must carry out.
I had been blind to this need,
and now I must face it.
I’m not allowed to recede
like I would desire,
and hope someone would intercede.

Doing this alone is no option.
I cannot rip apart this wall.
That would bring too much heartache.
That would bring the fall
sooner than I had anticipated.
Who else can I call
that would abolish this agonizing torment.
I can’t cope with being the thrall
of my own capacity.
I’m tired of feeling so small.


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