Get Me Out of Here | Teen Ink

Get Me Out of Here

April 7, 2010
By JustBekah BRONZE, Nevis, Minnesota
JustBekah BRONZE, Nevis, Minnesota
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Lost in this bliss
Though I’m covered in scars
The wings I have to fly
Or growing droopy and dry
I yearn to fly high
Soar in the skies of Mars

My mind floats so high
Soaked in my bliss
I perk my wings to fly
But my wings are still dry
This dry abyss of Mars
Leaves me so many scars

My flight is taken by these scars
I can no longer reach my high
These red clouds of Mars
They shadow my bliss
It leaves me so dry
Will I ever fly?

Can you take me out of Mars,

To a place where I can fly?

To replace this shadow with bliss
And to heal all these scars
To make me soar so high
And never leave me dry

No longer dry will I fly
I leave Mars with these scars
I will push high in my muse of bliss


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