Roses for Rosalie | Teen Ink

Roses for Rosalie

April 12, 2010
By Curiouser BRONZE, Rancho Cucamonga, California
Curiouser BRONZE, Rancho Cucamonga, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"No, impassable, nothing's impossible!" -Doorknob.

You, are my Romeo.
My perfect little Virgo.
Everything about you is right, ergo,
My longing feelings for you.
You do no wrong,
You’ve had your chances,
Day after day you take the stance as
Someone that loves and cares for me,
But it seems we weren’t destined to be.

She is your Juliet,
Her burgundy draped silhouette,
Dark lashes frame bright doe eyes
Nothing could be a more finer prize.
You wrap an arm around her as your father approves,
She feels right with you,
And knows she won’t be used.

I am your Rosalie,
Small, fragile, and invisible as can be.
Nobody has to pay any mind to me,
I’m just plain old simple Rosalie.
I’m not any form of royalty,
And that’s something I never could be.
I’m a monster, that’s my personality.

Your lips meet,
My heart feels it fate.
We both know,
It’s destined to break.
Yet you say she isn’t the one you want to take.
You say you have proclaimed you love for me,
But you are still with her,
I see.


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