House of Mirrors | Teen Ink

House of Mirrors

April 18, 2010
By xxbabiigurlxx BRONZE, Aurora, Colorado
xxbabiigurlxx BRONZE, Aurora, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You have enemies? Good. That means you actually stood up for something in your life."~Eminem

Sometimes it's hard,
For me to see,
Who I really want to be.

When I look in that mirror,
All I can see,
Is my reflection,
Staring coldly back at me.

Look inside me,
Look beyond these selfish tears,
This is the real me,
Inside this house of mirrors.

As I drop to my knees,
The world whirls around me,
I'm so much more,
Than what I let you see.

If you pull me in close,
And let me whisper into your ear,
Because there are none,
Inside this house of mirrors.

Among the shattered glass,
Lie my broken dreams,
My whole life destroyed,
Torn at the seams.

Everything I've ever been,
Everything I've ever wanted to be,
Suddenly seems useless,
If you're not here to share it with me.

The only thing worse than not having you
Is knowing I didn't try,
I won you with love,
Lost you with lies.

You said you could never love a stranger,
You said you never knew the real me,
You said you only knew the person
I was trying to be.

I see throughout the smokey room
All my biggest fears,
No matter how hard I try,
I can't hide inside this house of mirrors

Shattered glass,
Scattered at my feet,
You hear painful screams,
Screams of defeat.

You look all around,
Not a soul in sight,
The screaming continues,
The darkness turns to light.

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem after one of my breakups and I kind of felt like we broke up because we were hiding part of ourselves from eachother so I just felt like this was me showing him who I really was.

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