Ode to Sun | Teen Ink

Ode to Sun

June 8, 2010
By Lambo BRONZE, Mullica Hill, New Jersey
Lambo BRONZE, Mullica Hill, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Oh sun, you give me heat,
Everyone you've ever seen you greet,
You make the environment grow,
While you make our planet glow,

Our planet survives from you,
Being able to do what we want to do,
Without you, life would be very hard,
We would be cold without you as a guard,

Oh great sun, if you were not here,
We would be frozen in ice that is clear,
Sun, you are the greatest thing in the sky,
Honestly, that is not a lie

The author's comments:
We were in english and we had to write about nature. I chose the sun because it does so much for us.

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