Personal Wonderland | Teen Ink

Personal Wonderland

September 6, 2010
By mad.reader95 PLATINUM, Beach Park, Illinois
mad.reader95 PLATINUM, Beach Park, Illinois
48 articles 1 photo 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It's never to late to shoot for the stars regardless of who you are." by nickleback from their song if today was your last day

it's nice outside
so lets go on a dream ride

lets go to our own personal wonderland
isn't this grand

flowers bloom in the winter storm
and butterflies form

raindrops turn to gold
and lifes amazing so i'm told

but I'm too buisy sitting around
and I still haven't been found

I hide here at all times
just sitting around making rhymes

I just love it here alot
so I sit in this spot

In my little wonderland


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