Answered Prayers | Teen Ink

Answered Prayers

September 23, 2010
By Inkhaven09 SILVER, Manila, Other
Inkhaven09 SILVER, Manila, Other
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Our brains are much too small for us to force God and all His being to squeeze into it." --me

I was a girl who loved this world
and did not care about God's Word.
I didn't care about the future--
I thought all was well by nature.

I thought I was good enough--
being in Sunday Schools and stuff.
I just thought I'll be saved someday--
like magic and all fairytale.

I pretended hell is not true,
and that I'll be in heaven too.
I pretended life won't stop and
that hell would come up to an end.

But then I realize,
not all would be in paradise.
Things began to materialize--
hell's realness start to visualize.

I suddenly saw all my sins,
and everything changed ever since.
My joy has been replaced with fear--
fear that my prayers, God won't hear.

I'm suddenly afraid of all--
afraid that I'm not for the Call,
that I cannot be in God's fold,
and His promise, I cannot hold.

I beat my breast and begged for grace,
"Lord, please show me Your smiling face."
I cried and asked for faith from God.
I said, "Lord, wash me with Your blood."

I cried to Him in earnest pray'r
for this burden I cannot bare.
But it's like He's not answering
all of my prayers and begging.

Doubts began to creep in my thoughts.
Am I true to the words I brought?
Am I really asking sorry?
Do I really beg for mercy?

I had asked Him for the answers
through my sighs, tears, and prayers,
but it seemed God was just silent--
that's what I saw at the moment.

Then suddenly, like angel's voice,
it came with such clatter and noise.
"You just hold on to His promise,
and you will have eternal bliss.

"Walk by faith, and not by your sight.
Don't look for the world, but for Light.
You follow and live by God's Word,
and look forward to the next world."

These things I took as my comforts.
These things I took as assurance.
Now, anyone I can confront
for in God is my reliance.

I will hold on to His promise.
I'll surely take comfort in this.
Then in faith I hope I will grow,
and with my Lord, forever glow.

The author's comments:
Like most of my poems, I wrote this one based on my experience... I hope people would take courage in this.

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