quietness,thoughts and feelings | Teen Ink

quietness,thoughts and feelings

January 18, 2011
By RaeBug13 SILVER, Banks, Alabama
RaeBug13 SILVER, Banks, Alabama
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
dont ever let fer hold you back.......<br /> dont judge me cuz i will prove you wrong....<br /> most of the people that drive me insane are in my family...

the quietness inside,
echos in my mind
the dullness of the day,
will it ever go away?
or will it just stay?
the thoughts in my head,
arent being spoken threw my mouth.
like i never learned to talk at all.
the feeling of being ignored,
its making me very anoyed.

The author's comments:
the way i was feeling at the moment inspired me to write this


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