A Kiss on the Beach | Teen Ink

A Kiss on the Beach

February 8, 2008
By Anonymous

A kiss on the beach…
What a breathtaking experience!
Both of us standing there…
Our toes in the sand…
Our hair in the wind…

“A kiss on the beach”
It’s what she requested…
So, I grant her this desire,
And I pull her closer,
And we take pleasure in the moment.

A kiss on the beach
Is like a revelation!
The ocean’s song grows soft…
The sun’s radiant beams grow dim…
And all we feel is the blissful connection!

A kiss on the beach…
We know when it comes…
It’s fed by an arresting impulse,
And in one electrifying moment it happens,
And our hearts are fused.

A kiss on the beach…
It’s a passionate gift.
It’s a symbol of adoration.
It’s a bonding encounter.
It’s what we dream about.

A kiss on the beach…
That’s what I dream about…
Oh yes, I’m here, with my feet in the sand…
But…where is the other set of footprints?
Where is she?
I am alone…

So, I lie down…
And I close my eyes…
And I wait for my kiss on the beach…

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This article has 1 comment.

snoopygurl said...
on Aug. 19 2008 at 8:20 pm

I just love this poem of yours!

I also loved I dreamed many dreams

You are so talented!