Good-Bye | Teen Ink


May 5, 2011
By TrueIdentity SILVER, San Diego, California
TrueIdentity SILVER, San Diego, California
9 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Let your true self be known

A normal night
Hanging out with the family
And watching TV
Then there is a knock on the door
We open up the door
Scared looks come our way
By the expression on my god-mom's face I could tell it was not
Going to be good
He got shot He got shot
Was alll i heard coming from her lips
And right then and there I was in shock
But all my mind all
i could think about was
Who got shot? Who did this? Why did this happen?
I rush upstairs to the house my god-brother was shot
There he was lying on the ground
Drowned in blood
I cannot bear to look at his body
Anymore so I rush back home
then all of a sudden the ambulance
Speeds up to my god-brother
They stay up there for a while
Trying to figure out what to do
Tears are now pouring down my
Face and I try to hold them back
But I can not hold them any longer
then I saw the ambulance carry him on a stretcher
A while goes by and a police officer tell us
I am very sorry but he didn't make it and just like that he is gone
Good-bye Keith and
Rest in Peace

The author's comments:
This is a true story. My very own god-brother Keith died on January 9,2011. He was shot at a bus stop diagonal from my apartments and killed on the same day as his dad Hunter. He had enough strength to make it back to the house and see his daughter and girlfriend one last time. Unfortunately for his kids they will never see their dad again because he died on the way to the hospital.

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