Step By Step; Side By Side | Teen Ink

Step By Step; Side By Side

June 6, 2011
By karleeannn GOLD, Highland, Utah
karleeannn GOLD, Highland, Utah
15 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I shall not fear, for the Lord is my guide.

We walketh step by step, our footsteps side by side.

At times when I may be tempted to roam,

My Shepherd will be there to lead me back home.

He maketh green pastures where I lie down in peace.

Where I can rest my weary head, and the chaos doth cease.

He leadeth me where the still waters flow.

In the silence, he'll be with me wherever I shall go.

He healeth my soul when I'm crumbled and torn.

He knows all my sorrows, for on the cross they were born.

He leadeth me always; the path of righteousness shown.

For in His name's sake, I shall strive to be known.

Though I walk with heavy footsteps through the shadows of death,

I fear not, for the Lord is with me with each and every breath.

In the midst of mine enemies, I feel neither hate nor fear.

But love for all children of God with my precious Savior near.

My head shall be covered by the hands of the Lord to bless my life this day.

Then surely I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever with him to stay.

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem based off of the 23rd Psalm.


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