Let the Walls Fall Down | Teen Ink

Let the Walls Fall Down

June 24, 2008
By Okaykayluhh SILVER, Everson, Washington
Okaykayluhh SILVER, Everson, Washington
8 articles 5 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Everyone wants to be happy and nobody wants to be in pain, but you can have the rainbow without any rain."

Why has she thought
that all these years...
she meant nothing, and no one cared
Years of self negativity and doubt
Seemed to have turned her into a new person

In her reflection, she sees crooked features
Mocking her as she stands in frustration
Laughing at her blank stare

Oh how she misses those from way back when
When everyone was seen as beautiful
Through the small eyes of an innocent child
Isn’t it utterly true...
That children, more than anyone else
Can find the beauty in everything?

How could that child that once was
Now criticize others
Just as she does herself

That child is still somewhere deep inside of her
Every now and then
She gets a glimps of the beauty
Of everything everywhere

Her desperate calls the girl she wants to be
To help her see the truth
Cannot be heard through the walls of hate and disgust
The barriers pushing away truth
And letting in lies only

That girl who she longs to be
Hides in the shadows
Even though she wants to come into the light
But the girl she is
Is blinded by the media
And the words that push her down
Are leaving her barely hanging on

She looks back into her plain brown eyes
Realizing something needs to be done
Her heart thumps faster
She tears away layer after layer of the wall
That surrounds her soul
Now her soul, heart, and the child deep within scream
'let the walls fall down! '

The walls crumple and fall
And seize to exist
The girl she wanted to be all along
Is free from this prison

Her eyes reopen an focus on the mirror
And she sees someone she doesn’t know
But somehow she knows so well
This beautiful girl that stares back at her
Was always inside of her
Just praying for a way out


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