She Stands Strong | Teen Ink

She Stands Strong

July 24, 2011
By Bailey Wolf SILVER, Madison, Indiana
Bailey Wolf SILVER, Madison, Indiana
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The little precious girl sits in the corner hiding behind her own shame.
She wonders what she did to desereve the agony,
do they all think it's a funny game?
She wipes the tears of her slapped and beaten cheeks.
She does not let the hurtful words make her weak.
She stands strong when they laugh and mock her.
She stands strong and puts the past behind her.
The names that people call her,
echo in her mind.
She knows that one day the future will soon unwind,
and she will leave the hurt and pain in the past behind.

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem because i have heard so many of sad bulling stories so i wrote this poem so peopke will know that you must just try hard, stand strong and that a better future is ahead if they chose to want a better future.

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