Yet Another Tragedy | Teen Ink

Yet Another Tragedy

August 6, 2011
By AnarchistHeartland ELITE, Washington, District Of Columbia
AnarchistHeartland ELITE, Washington, District Of Columbia
177 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" Art is beauty everlasting "

My head is reeling as I flirt with suicide

Mind f***ed and dumped in the gutter

I've led you to believe the truest lies

Slam the window shut on my life, close the shutter

Convulsions breathe into a new sensation

Paranoia scolds me, I brace a new invasion

My mind is delicate, fragile little flower

I rock the cradle back and forth

As the people run and cower

*Convulsions I digress

Emotions I repress

Drag the darkness far behind

Invigorate my stress*

Trench coat black full body sadness

Coats the demon drenched in madness

Fingers numb parasitic cold and icy blue

Still hot enough to blow a bullet in you

Another day another columbine

Sickness diverted in due time

Alone I break and fall apart

Just like the stitches of my heart

*(repeat chorus x3)


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