Caged | Teen Ink


February 27, 2008
By Anonymous

I look at him, and can't help but stare.
He seems just so perfect,I wonder if he's really there.
This guy, he's the best thing you'll ever see,But as sad as it is he'll never look at me.
So I just look and dream,not thinking a thing.
When one afternoon i go to hang out with friends,
someone said he'd be their but she always pretends.
I get to the mountain ready to ride,When you'd never beleive who sat by my side.
Yes,you know what i was thinking,let your mind wonder,be curious and ponder.
We had a great time,and I got his number.I called him later that night,
Just to see if he was alright.
Then we talked all the time,
I was so wishing one day he'd be mine.
I think i got attached all to fast,Because before i knew it i was in his past.
He didn't walk with me in the hall,When we'd pass eachother he'd hardley glance at all. He was tired of talking to me i guess,He broke my heart leaving things a mess.He just moved on and ended it,with me feeling sad and enraged.But that is just life, and in this life i am caged.

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