Everything Needs to Spill Out of My Mouth | Teen Ink

Everything Needs to Spill Out of My Mouth

February 27, 2008
By Anonymous

Really I Dont understand, the nerve i have with everything
By the way, i was fed up with the thoughts,myself,and everything
What else can there be?
When was the last time you heard my voice,and u seen my smile
However, when was the last time i really recognize the word happiness
Long ago
i Still have it but, not as much, is there a cure?
No,No,No, i cant fix anything
Feeling like i have Strong piece of duct tape on my mouth that will never come off
It Will Burn So Painfully If I Ever Try
Breathing In Sequence, as if we were meant to be
Hate Me, Make me Want to Hate myself
Guilt Haunts me, Closing my eyes,Looking back, like im watching videos of us
My Brain is Aching out of everything i thought
My Legs are trembling
Wishes that arent coming true
Broken hearted, Dead silence
Sleeping at night is hard
So many emoitons i cant explain
The ways i act, Do i belong in this world?
Nothing Occurred Since
The last words i said, I hate you, i never want to see your face again,i was never friends with you
All a lie
The last time i wanted to see somebody...was you
I eat up everything and act like i dnt care
It's Nothing but, Pondering and deciding about what to do now

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