Alive | Teen Ink


February 27, 2008
By Anonymous

Will you please revive
my dead and broken heart.
I can't survive
without a part
of you on my ride
through life. I will forget the past
if i catch you in stride
just so long as we last.

Please bring back alive
my dead and broken heart
can't survive without a whisp of your soul
to fill
the crumbling hole
inside my ill
heart. I will dream
that i can become whole again
i know it may seem
like an exaggeration; this pain,
but your touch can heal the wounds
that your mind brought upon my heart
my head pounds
as you rip apart
my tortured soul

Will you please revive
my dead and broken heart
can't survive;
as we are apart
all i do is strive
to just hold on to the chance
for you to make me feel alive
once more during lifes dance.
will you please revive
my dead and broken heart.

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