My Reflection | Teen Ink

My Reflection

February 27, 2008
By Anonymous

My Reflection

Looking At My Reflection as if it was never mine, wanting it to go away and flee into the Darkness
But it's Still there looking back at me,Telling me It never wants to leave my dear side
I'm Always there for my self
No matter how much it takes, Counting the many Stars Until i lose Count
Breathing, very fast, to catch all that air to inhale
Looking down at the ground , then getting on my hands and knees and feeling how cold it is, the small spectacles of rocks in many colors
Grasping them Tight Never letting go
Look at myself and explain who i am
I'm Still Me
Content and Patient No matter if everyone knows who i am or just one
I'm the Same
That Reflection is me, and i want it to look back at me and never leave

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