She's Not Perfection | Teen Ink

She's Not Perfection

March 29, 2008
By Anonymous

The girl sits in the corner,

Crying and bleeding,

Holding her arm,

Trying to cover her eyes,

She didn't mean too,

All she wanted,

Was to be like her,

To listen and do what he says,

Be what he wants,

Like being his little toy,

Do what he said,

Or get hurt trying,

Screamed at when he's too drunk to care what he does,

She's trying to be perfect,

Perfection doesn't exist,

Not for her,

She tries so hard,

To be a little bit of perfection,

For him,

So that she can feel safe,

Everyone else could do it,

Why can't I, she thought,

She hides in the den,

In a corner,

With a sheet for a blanket,

A stuffed bear for a pillow,

Jeans, t-shirt, and a sweater,

To hide her marks,

Left by him,

Because she's not what he wants,

She's Not Perfection.

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