All the While | Teen Ink

All the While

March 30, 2008
By Anonymous

All the while
I thought I had the perfect life,
but I thought wrong
Karma caught up to me
for all the things I did wrong
My life's a waking nightmare,
You could say
For all the wrongs,
there is a right
Everyday I wake up to a new day
is what I am
My thoughts,
and emotions
are all I depend on
Those few special people,
Who I call friends,
make me a better person
I used to think bad of myself,
in thought,
I said sucha horrible person
that no one can stand,
but again I thought wrong
Without friends and family
What would I do?
Where would I be?
I thought I was such a bad person,
not even worthy to grace this earth
All the while
I stopped liking myself,
because of other's ignorant comments
All the while
I put myself down,
because you wanted me to,
All the while
I felt like a low-life
who was not worthy of life
It took me a while to realize
I was worthy of life
All the while
I doubted myself of being a good person
when all the while,
I actually was

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