Eyes of Apologize | Teen Ink

Eyes of Apologize

March 31, 2008
By Anonymous

The string that connected us,
has been severed into two,
The words we utter,
Aren't even a few,
His lips offer me nothing,
His hands never embrace,
The only thing that touches me,
Are the eyes upon his face,
They scream across the room,
Expressing his profound distresses,
They tell me how sorry he is,
Telling me the sorry that he possesses,
They attach to me sharply,
Gleaming in the light,
Asking for complete forgiveness,
Asking me if I'm alright,
I can read those somber eyes,
Behind them a tragedy lies asleep,
His eyes enlightens his narrative,
Telling the story that he keeps deep,
I hope he can interpret my chronicle,
Through these miserable rhymes,
He is the boy who utters no words,
but eyes apologize 1,000 times,

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