She Comes Walking | Teen Ink

She Comes Walking

April 1, 2008
By Anonymous

She comes walking into school,
She looks pale and sick,
Beautiful make-up she always wears,
Today it no longer exists.

It's picture day,
I don't understand,
I hug her neck,
I take her hand,
This isn't how my morning was planned.

Her somber face ties a knot in my soul,
She's usually high,
Or at the very least smiling,
I'm scared.

Are you feeling alright?,
You look like s***,
I figure she's got a cold...,
She looks at her feet.

Can I tell you something?,
Of course... what's wrong?,
I got raped by 6 guys this weekend,
I'm sure my eyes glazed over.

My heart skipped ten beats,
My stomach hurt...,
Tell me this is a joke!,
It's April 1st... it's possible.

I search her eyes,
Her gaze is so blank,
Knots in her hair... usually so soft,
Why would anyone hurt this angel?

I sit in my next class,
She made me promise to tell no-one,
And of course I won't...,
But something must be done for her.

I've been there,
Rapechild conceived and miscarried,
Dad didn't believe me,
Mom thought I asked for it.

I can't breathe,
I know what it is that she feels,
And I know if she holds onto it,
It will kill her.

She'll never tell a soul,
Just slowly curl up and die inside,
I struggle even as I type,
I cannot lose composure.

God brought me to her for a reason,
I am sure of it,
And somehow I am supposed to help her,
To overcome this.

But how can I?,
I haven't yet overcome my own pain,
I die inside a little more inside,
Each and every time I think about it.

But I must,
And so I will,
I will take on some of her pain,
If only to ease the pain just a little.

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