Villanelle | Teen Ink


October 17, 2011
By Twizzzted_Rose BRONZE, Everett, Washington
Twizzzted_Rose BRONZE, Everett, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Don't fear to weep, from which tears life will grow,
Don't curse the eyes from which such pain may come,
Let life rise up and rivers gaily flow.

Look on with hope where life took such a blow,
For again life will reign under the sun,
Don't fear to weep, from which tears life will grow.

Listen, the wind cries, blind, still it will blow,
A lone eagle calls, a home, made to shun,
Let life rise up and rivers gaily flow.

Rain of life erodes earths miracle grow,
One more round in circle of corruption,
Don't fear to weep from which tears life will grow.

To earths fine balance, much can be a foe,
Yet such a foe as we can be a friend,
Let life rise up and rivers gaily flow.

So rejoice to be part of nature’s show,
Encourage, enjoy and help life grow, but
Don't fear to weep from which tears life will grow,
Let life rise up and rivers gaily flow.

The author's comments:
My own fear of crying gave me this inspiration.

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