Do you know how it is to lose a father? | Teen Ink

Do you know how it is to lose a father?

January 3, 2008
By Anonymous

Do you know how it is to lose a father, the guy who helped bring you into this world, the guy who if you got a bad call home from school you would get a belt whooping.The person that should be a role model for you, well guess what people i lost him, So i have no one to look up to. Well my pops meant a lot of good things and bad things as well, my pops was a businessman, he was a bartender at a restaurant, he had 4 businesses and he was an alcoholic.I hated to come home afraid of what he would do next, I would go home, lock myself in my room and cry afraid of him dieing sooner than later. Well if you consider alcohol as a drug, then drugs got to him and it tore my heart apart when i heard those four words " your dad passed away".


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