I Am An Apple | Teen Ink

I Am An Apple

March 12, 2008
By Anonymous

I am an apple.
my heart is my core.
My heart is my bedroom,
and you just slammed the door.

Picture the sky,
I am a cloud.
My anger turns to thunder,
my words become loud.

My life is a story,
but you can’t read me like a book.
You can’t see what I’ve been through,
you can’t tell my secrets with just one look.

I am a turtle,
my life is hiding under my shell.
I want people to know
but I don’t tell.

I have fallen hard many times,
I fall like the rain.
I am a screaming baby,
Please hear my pain.

I need someone to talk to,
so I come knock on your door.
I scream your name and I beg for your advice
but you choose to ignore.

I am an apple,
with bruises of pain,
I am a white T-shirt
that has a large stain.

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