The Real Life | Teen Ink

The Real Life

March 13, 2008
By Anonymous

I remember when life was stress free
Sleep in and go to play at three
When work wasn’t even a question
Could care less about the next election
When money was not needed
Captain of the boy scouts I leaded
When I didn’t care how I dressed
When I never heard of the word depressed
Life was so fun and care free
That’s how life should be when your three
Running after the ice cream truck
Catching Mr. Softy needed a lot of luck
Every night playing kick the can
Always having another back up plan
Every summer visiting the family upstate
When I would eat uncountable pieces of cake
I did drink soda then
Then gave it up when I was ten
Building snowmen when it snowed
Playing all day long my tiredness showed
Living life and having fun is the way, you see
Enjoying and being stress free is the way we were intended to be!

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