'Till the End of Time | Teen Ink

'Till the End of Time

March 14, 2008
By Anonymous

I can see…
Thousands of men fighting for their lives,
Shadows from the atrocious mortar,
Warm blood pouring out of my flesh,
And a crimson night of despair.

I can hear…
Shouts of men in deep agony,
Ear splitting screams from furious guns,
Dripping sweat on the soaked ground,
And crash of thunder that slaughters man’s hopes.

I can smell…
Dead corpses piled behind my back,
Foul gas that aids our deceitful friends,
Horrible smell of blood that streams out of the carcasses,
And the polluted aroma from the haze of war.

I can taste…
Deep sorrow engulfing me,
Malicious gas poisoning me,
Unpleasant taste of blood that drowns me,
And frozen water that freezes me.

I can feel…
The wet ground that washes my weary feet,
Pain from the bullet that struck my vulnerable heart,
Vibration of my gun that paralyzes my hand,
And the shower of death from the starless dead sky.

I can sense…
The bloody battle going to an end,
All men had faced their… destiny
Dark shadows lurking behind the corpses
My deceitful friends going to… hell.

Trying to keep up, I summoned all my strength,
But none had come, and have forsaken me.
The last thunder roar and I fell on my knees,
Breathing slowly, I knew my time has come,
To depart this world, with my hopes and dreams,

But more than ever,

with my own people…

… ‘till the end of time….

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