Past, Present, Future | Teen Ink

Past, Present, Future

March 16, 2008
By Anonymous

All this pain, what’s going on?
These Memories
Running through my mind.
Why did this happen to me?
I scream in fear.
Only those who’ve experienced
Understand this pain.

Those who wove a friendship
Cuts it in half…
One in hand
Other on Fire, Burning,
Smoke, Ashes.
Tearing apart life of others
Only caring about themselves.

Those who wander find peace.
Those who try to find it…
Don’t know what to look for.
Knowing what they seek,
Will never find…
Only the wealthy buy happiness.

People only see their appearance of
Never looking inside.
Judging on what they look like,
Who their friends are,
Judging on their state of popularity.

Pretending to be someone
Your not…
Living a lie
Being absorbed by the life
You wish you had
Pretending to be that, one person.
To become popular…
Is it really worth IT?

Somewhere your invisible,
VS. Where your in the middle
Of everything.
Blamed for everything,
Not your fault…

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