A Place to Feel Home | Teen Ink

A Place to Feel Home

March 17, 2008
By Anonymous

A place to feel home
With the wild smell of cherry blossoms
And children bringing life to people
Where beauty has many meanings
And everyone is your friend

A place to call safe
Where nature is at peace and the people celebrate
With the children and the elderly together
When the food is always fresh from the sea
And the ocean roars ablaze with crimson fire

A place to call freedom
When the police can be friendly and are helpful
The noises are exciting and vibrant
And the food is always warm and tastes like home
Where the flowers blooming and the animals singing

A place to call home

A place of dreams
Where the moon sighs and trees speak to each other
The mind is always thinking while their body’s rest
And the shops are always serving people, day or night
And the sun on the horizon comes up to say hello

A place of hopes
Where everybody lives to see their dreams come true
And nothing to small or to big is left out
When the atmosphere is pleasant and calm
And the children play without a care for troubles

A place of expectations
A place where you are expected to do your best
And everybody competes to show their work
But only one is the winner
And all are treated just the same

A place to call home

A place of memories
Where lovers usually go to
And the good times are always there
Where happily ever afters still come true
And we can cry for things we lost

A place to trust
Because of the things you value and believe in
And no one makes fun of it
Where they accept you just the way you are
And it is an unspoken law to judge others

A place to relax
And the problems go away like shadows
And forgotten if only for a little while
While your mind sweeps you into calmness
Into a dream of dreams and momentary harmony

A place to call home
Where you can think without interruption
And the birds are at your window to say hello
The sun wakes you to a new day
And the moon makes sure you get sleep

A place to call home.

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