Anyone Can Make a Difference | Teen Ink

Anyone Can Make a Difference

March 26, 2008
By Anonymous

Anyone can make a difference.
First impressions can make a big difference.
From deciding if you get the job or not,
To going on a first date wondering if you’ve found the one.

I can make a difference by leading.
Leading is setting and being the example for others to follow.
It’s important to lead by example in the right direction,
Because anyone can make a difference.

You can make a difference.
Making a difference can be so insignificant, so small.
Holding a door open for some one with their hands full,
Or listening to some one’s problems-it all makes a difference.

Everybody can make a difference.
When people try their best the world is made better.
People are best when they try to make a difference.
I can make a difference by being different.

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