The Way I Feel About You | Teen Ink

The Way I Feel About You

April 21, 2008
By Anonymous

The way I feel about you is more than just a friend.
It’s so confusing something I just can’t explain.
You may not feel the way I do, I don’t care.
The thing I think about is how I feel about you.
Sometimes I think about how you feel and,
It bothers me.

The way I feel about you makes me feel all funny.
Not laughing but it’s hard to explain.
When I see you walking towards me, I start smiling….
It could be freezing outside and when you hug me,
I feel like it’s the middle of the summer.

But on the other side,
When I see you with her [[don’t get me wrong I love her to death..]]
I get really mad and start crying…. just enough to make me feel it
I just hide it and walk away. I can’t be around when y’all are together.
Or if I walk past & y’all are hugging
I look at you and keep going, hiding the love I have for you
deeep dowwn

You Know Lately you’ve been ignoring me
And We don’t Talk like we used to, you
Never pick up the phone when I call you
And lately ii have noticed you treat
Other girls the way you used to treat me.

I just want you to know that it hurts; it hurts on the inside and
The outside and any other way you can think of it hurting
I just want it to be the way it used to be between you and me
Feel the things ii used to feel about you and not the things you feel about her

But Just to let you know,
I will always be here for you
Will always feel the things I once felt
Long After you forget me, You say after
I move you will still remember me
Yeah I'll believe it next year.
IF it really happens.....

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