Untitled | Teen Ink


April 4, 2008
By Anonymous

It’s a step I have to take.
Cuz if I don’t,
I’ll be here all by myself.
Lonely and cold.
With no one to help me up when I fall.
It’s like a battle I have to face.
If I don’t,
I only step back.
Not forward.
As I get older,
I’ll look back.
And thank the person who pushed me.
The person who talked behind my back.
The person who made me smile when I frowned.
The friends who abandoned me when I needed then the most.
The mother who loved me,
But never got the chance to show it.
And the lost little girl,
Who walks in the dark.
Prays with no one to listen.
Smiles to make no one happy.
Then runs away.
To reveal that some people aren’t loved the way they should be.

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