Merlin's Castle | Teen Ink

Merlin's Castle

April 15, 2008
By Anonymous

The earth began to shake
The mountains began to tremble
The moon ascended through the stars
And the wind held its breath.
All became silent and life stood dead
Then, once all was still
The very ground beneath them erupted
Dust blew from the earth as if the ground had just sneezed
Then, in front of them arose a magnificent being neither dead nor alive
So high and grand that their knees shook and their necks bent
Marvelous shapes and forms of every kind shone through the dust
Stacked high and wide all around them
Its walls were adorned with solid figures of gold
And its glistening gates stood stronger than the bravest knight
It was indeed a mighty fortress worthy of no earthly praise
It shown in the moonlight like a perfected scene from a flawless dream
It was Merlin's dream; Merlin's castle


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