Beauty | Teen Ink


April 23, 2012
By Eowyngreen SILVER, Metamora, Michigan
Eowyngreen SILVER, Metamora, Michigan
7 articles 0 photos 18 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;If you don&#039;t want to be forgotten, shortly after you are dead and rotten, either do something worth writing, or write something worth reading.&quot;<br /> ~Benjamin Franklin

In all of my wishes, hopes, and deepest dreams,
This Wondrous Creature is always I.
Her beauty will last forever, it seems,
Her glory, no one will ever pass by.

Fairer than a completely cloudless sky,
Her blue eyes do shame the sparkling sea.
A tragic beauty if she is to cry,
Her flowing tears like precious diamonds be.

Her lips shame the reddest of all roses,
Her shining hair is luscious, soft and long.
Her fragrance floats into nearby noses,
the soft scent being like the sweetest song.

She is perfectly built, long and slender,
She has a ravishing, welcoming smile.
All things about her are sweet and tender,
To her beauty there can be no denial.

Though precious and holy this girl may seem,
She so often would draw from me a sigh.
So often would she haunt me in my dream,
All of those nights when she caused me to cry.

Many things maybe one day I’ll obtain,
But beauty like that will never be one.
Longing thoughts constantly invade my brain,
The mirror’s mocking will never be done.

Too ugly, too chubby, too round, too tall,
It’s consistently ringing in my ears.
Skin too pale, feet too large and eyes too small,
All my self-doubt, my self-hatred, my fears.

Then one day I see, though almost too late,
That real beauty comes from the inside.
I show the mirror that really I’m great,
And I shatter the glass beast that has lied.

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece because I did go through a time where I hated myself and thought I was ugly, but then I realized I was looking at it the complete wrong way! One of my first attempts at a poem, please critique!


This article has 2 comments.

on Jun. 17 2012 at 7:07 am
Eowyngreen SILVER, Metamora, Michigan
7 articles 0 photos 18 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;If you don&#039;t want to be forgotten, shortly after you are dead and rotten, either do something worth writing, or write something worth reading.&quot;<br /> ~Benjamin Franklin

Yes, I am on my way! :) Thanks so much!


InkWriter13 said...
on Jun. 7 2012 at 10:26 pm

A very well-developed poem. Very vivid and real. I absolutely love the poetic imagery of shattering the glass beast at the end. What a wonderful message! I am glad you eventually saw that. Great work. Adding it to my favorites. :D

Would you please read and comment on my work titled "A Muse" and "Sighing at Imperfection"? Thx :)