Loving You | Teen Ink

Loving You

July 19, 2008
By Anonymous

Love should be easy, that?s what they say
Here I am loving you more every day
And even if I can?t look in your eyes
I know it?s true, I don?t speak lies

This love, it pains me deep inside
I don?t have you and I?m losing my drive
All I know is you're always in my mind
I can?t lose you or I?ll lose my pride

I have fallen so far into your eyes
I won?t ever have it in me to say good bye
But if I don?t win you, I think I?ll cry
Every day will make it harder just to say "hi"

I don?t want that but I?ll just hide
You?re all I want, again no word of a lie
An angel, a princess- that?s what you are to me
And when you think, I want you to see

I could be it all, always holding you tight
I know it?s not easy but I know it?s right
So all I ask is when you fall asleep tonight,
When you close your eyes keep me in sight?

The author's comments:
i will like to thank everbody in tifton ga for been there for me and the thing i write will show u ever thing about love

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