Busy people, Busy lives | Teen Ink

Busy people, Busy lives

July 14, 2012
By FutureWriter101 PLATINUM, Gabarone, Other
FutureWriter101 PLATINUM, Gabarone, Other
49 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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Happiness can be found even in the most darkest of times, if only one remembers to turn on the lights

When ever I look around 
There's always that one simple sound
Of people walking, or running here and there
When I noticed this, I just stopped for a minuet and stared. 

I thought to myself....what would it be like to be one of these people,
just for a day? I thought to myself once again and said
that's impossible, no way. 
But then I thought again, and this time my mind changed. 
Instead of imagining, create and think again. 

I could only guess what goes on in these people's lives. 
Each one has a story to tell and that's when the idea revived. 
I spent time, looking at each human being. 
Creating a story, based on what I was seeing. 
And what I saw, was pretty intriguing.

What if we all judged the world this way? 
What if we all were given the chance to say, exactly what we wanted to say?
Would it really be so bad? 
Yes some may not like what they hear and may end up feeling rather sad.
But at least we would all know the truth about one another. 
Instead of having to always hide things from each other.  
Sometimes I enjoy exploring the world, and imagining what it would be like to live a certain way. 
But then I count my blessings and I'm glad to be alive, every single day. 

However it is a bit scary,  seeing what this world has now become.
But i guess it's okay as long as you always remember, where you've come from. Most people tend to forget or not know about their past. They always over think their future and want to move towards it really fast. But life is about slowing down, and enjoying what you've got. It will all come together soon enough, for those of you, who at least have a plot. 

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