Red Sweatshirt | Teen Ink

Red Sweatshirt

February 8, 2008
By Anonymous

Red sweat - shirt
Black fingerless gloves
Hair covering the right eye
Right hand writing away
Eyes scanning space for words
Body left behind
Mind in another world
A world of words
And poems
A world of stories
And rhyme
A world
With no time
Pen rolling smoothly over paper
Moving so gracefully
To turn words
Into art
Art of the mind
And art of the mouth
Lines creating words
Words creating visions
Visions creating thoughts
Thoughts creating knowledge
Knowledge of a different kind
Knowledge of creativity
Knowledge of expression
Knowledge of words
We can learn many a thing
From words
May it be fake
Or may it be real
We still learn
From words
We tell stories
And life
With words
Without words
Where would we be
Loss of expression
Loss of art
Loss of life
We need words
Whether we tell those words
By sign language
By writing
Or by speaking
We need words
With out words
Where would we be
Words are art
Art of the mind
And art of the mouth
Lines create words
Words create visions
Visions create thoughts
Thoughts create knowledge
Knowledge of words
Red sweat – shirt
Black fingerless gloves
Hair covering the right eye
Right hand writing away
Body left behind
Mind in another world
Eyes scanning space
For words

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This article has 1 comment.

Poet0991 said...
on Aug. 21 2008 at 7:22 pm
This was a poem I wrote for a writers comference at my school. I'm very happy to see that it was good enough to be published on a very amazing website. This is my first publication so I am very excited about this!