Live and Love | Teen Ink

Live and Love

December 16, 2012
By ElliStar SILVER, Esholt, Other
ElliStar SILVER, Esholt, Other
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Life is a balence of everything,
good and bad,
Happy and sad,
Up times and down times,
Fun times and relax times,
Time to be with friends and time to be alone,
A time to laugh and a time to cry,
A time to be bold and a time to be shy,
Health and fittness, Education and fun,
Skills and hobbies, family and friends,
Whatever balence makes up your life,
Through all the confusion, sadness and strife,
Be sure to remember that most important to call,
Is to live, love and be happy, that's all.

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This article has 1 comment.

passsionnnn said...
on Oct. 13 2013 at 10:17 am
passsionnnn, Bradford, Utah
0 articles 0 photos 2 comments
this poem pretty much tells everything about my life! the bad days when im alone or the good days when people listen to me it tells a very true story about how life goes on.yes be happy in life nothing more beautiful than having that smile great credit to this arthor