Shadow of Porcelain | Teen Ink

Shadow of Porcelain

December 21, 2012
By DinoBunni BRONZE, Lilly, Pennsylvania
DinoBunni BRONZE, Lilly, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;This love pierces my heart like shards of ice,<br /> Chilling me through before shattering me.&quot; - &quot;The Unlearned Heart by Vince Kaleal

Above all else, it's the memory
It kills her inside, eating her alive
Through the dark abyss of time, it remains breathing eerily
In that hole of constant night, her soul will strive
As a sword would fell a foe, her mind will crumble
A porcelain doll, so fragile and easily broken
She locks herself away, the feel of skin now unbearable
So ruined is she now, tainted and stricken
A defeated lion in a cage you see, will gone from their eyes
No tourniquet, no salvation, an atheist with no god
She no longer cries in the forest of lies
Like a bear killed fox is she, gutted and clawed
A memory has no cure, no light
So she sings so long and goodnight.

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