The Faces of Dolls | Teen Ink

The Faces of Dolls

February 17, 2013
By Happymask PLATINUM, Pride, Louisiana
Happymask PLATINUM, Pride, Louisiana
22 articles 3 photos 32 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I have great faith in fools, self-confidence my friends call it." - Edgar Allan Poe

The figures sitting on their shelves
Missing eyes and all
The closet door was cracking
Though proof of, lacking
Yet you hid behind the covers tall
Fragile as a doll

A frightened lump beneath the sheets
Shakes galore and prayer
Below the bed was haunting
Though evidence, taunting
Still you stayed in seventh blanket layer
Sleepless dark, you stared

Within the walls a scratching sound
A sudden stop of heart
A cold cold sweat was brewing
The moon outside, wooing
Your lifting the veil to dash was smart
To play avoidance art

The figurines had seen it all
With plastic as their eyes
The closet and your shaking
The monsters, their waking
Child-toy faces make for perfect spies
And yours, surprise

The author's comments:
This poem is based on a child afraid of the dark, the shadows, the creepy dolls on the shelves at night, and the monster under the bed and the one in the closet.

PS. Avoidance art is the art of avoiding the ground so the monsters/lava/poison can't get you.


This article has 2 comments.

GreyGirl ELITE said...
on Mar. 12 2013 at 1:53 am
GreyGirl ELITE, Pohang,Kyungbuk, Other
170 articles 122 photos 391 comments
I really love this poem! Perfectly creepy and mysterious...:)

on Feb. 28 2013 at 6:46 pm
WhiteSwan13 SILVER, Hawera, Other
8 articles 0 photos 34 comments

Favorite Quote:
Nothing is Impossible & We Live and Learn

Another amaszing poem!