A battle cry for the lost. | Teen Ink

A battle cry for the lost.

February 28, 2013
By GhostJay55 SILVER, Neptune Township, New Jersey
GhostJay55 SILVER, Neptune Township, New Jersey
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Open your eyes my child,
we're on the way home.
We may not win the battle,
but you wont go down alone.

Your mother wont be forgotten,
she was taken way too soon...
But,revenge is never the answer,
a calm mind will help us bloom

We ran away from death,
and feel guilty from the fright!
But we will return for our family!
We'd rather die with a fight!

Come to arms my brothers!
Nomads, we are not.
Think about our precious lands,
or maybe you all forgot...

Well, whoever will stand with me,
clear the anger from your heart.
Blindness from rage is fatal ,
and we'd be doomed from the start.

So open your eyes my people!
We are on the way home.
We may not win this battle,
but we wont go down alone!

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