The Yin and Yang Me | Teen Ink

The Yin and Yang Me

May 2, 2013
By TyphlosionprimeX BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
TyphlosionprimeX BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Half of me is black-
Cold and dark
Unforgiving and impatient
Selfish and Impulsive
Cruel and foul tempered
An unending thunder storm of wrath.
My other half, however, is not without a heart, nor without morality
The other half of me is White, a white like snow
Warm-hearted and loving
Crazy and energetic
Laid back and responsible
Open-minded and outgoing.
A shining light that smiles and is fun to be around.
They both are very different,
But they are what created my personality.

The author's comments:
The two colors that make up my perosnality

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