Boston | Teen Ink


April 26, 2013
By my_souls_been_shaken SILVER, Palm Beach, Florida
my_souls_been_shaken SILVER, Palm Beach, Florida
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We learned more from a three minute record than we ever learned in school" - Bruce Springsteen

I was told this afternoon
On the bus ride home from school
Of an attack near my homeland
With not one bomb, but two

I heard it was in Boston
Next to the finish line
What started as a run for freedom
Ended as a run for their lives

Three dead, many injured
There will be a candlelit vigil tonight
Suspect killed, one captured
One last kiss before you die

We citizens beg for mercy
From the hands of the terrorists
They have nothing left to lose
And they have their lives to risk

The world may still be spinning
But it’s coming to an end
Once one law is broken
All the others can bend

Boston really happened
This is not a dream, it is real
America has fallen
And we need each other to heal

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