Are You Aware? | Teen Ink

Are You Aware?

May 24, 2013
By Kitten_1201 SILVER, Duluth, Minnesota
Kitten_1201 SILVER, Duluth, Minnesota
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Are You Aware?
Do you even see me?
I’m the kid who sits right next to you.
I’m shy, I don’t have many friends.
I get bullied a lot
And when I’m not being bullied, I’m ignored.
I’m invisible to the world
My mom never has time for me
My step-dad’s barely home
When he is, he’s drunk and he beats my mom
They fight like I’m not even there
I know what they mean when they say life isn’t fair.
That makes me really sad
If only you would stop to listen,
ANYONE just ask how my day is going
I beg you, please!
But no one hears my cries for help
My life isn’t worth living
So goodbye, world.
Now you definitely won’t see me at all.

The author's comments:
this piece is to help people, mostly teenagers, more aware of what they do or say & how it may affect others. it is also to try to save more lives.

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