Man Dressed in White | Teen Ink

Man Dressed in White

May 20, 2013
By Brooke Stoermer BRONZE, Trophy Club, Texas
Brooke Stoermer BRONZE, Trophy Club, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

While trying to make everyone contempt and alright
The pastor reminded them he’d be fine with the man dressed in white

As they lowered him into the ground
Tears streamed down faces all around

They gathered and hugged while dressed in black
All they had prayed for was for him to come back

They stayed and talked remembering the past
But they couldn’t help wonder why he had passed

They clues and the hints, disturbing and scattered
Left the wife’s, children’s, and other’s hearts shattered

When he was found, time was gone; it was too late
The questions unanswered…they had to assume it was just fate

All they wanted was an explanation
But rather just suffered frustration

While they grieved and cried they knew he’d be all right
Up in the sky with the angels and man dressed in white

The author's comments:
I got my idea for this piece after attending a funeral.

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