How Strong Am I? | Teen Ink

How Strong Am I?

December 12, 2013
By AnchorLover BRONZE, Cecilia, Kentucky
AnchorLover BRONZE, Cecilia, Kentucky
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I can hear voice echoing off her like a cave wall. Her voice so cruel and hateful. I can still hear her blaming me. She blames me for everything. I thought she would love me, stand up for me, and never abandon me like the moon abandoning the sky. But I’m all alone no one in the world to care for me. And she stands over top of me like the stars above the sky laughing and blaming me while he stands in a corner cowardly waiting for her. This is his fault this isn’t mine. Why can’t someone help me? Why do I have to live my life like I’m the criminal? Can anyone help me get away from this monster? She’s hurting me more and more every day.

The author's comments:
My parents and their selfish acts inspired me to write this Prose Poem.

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