The cold street | Teen Ink

The cold street

January 4, 2014
By Nhamo SILVER, Hamilton, New Jersey
Nhamo SILVER, Hamilton, New Jersey
9 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
There isn't any beauty without any strangeness

I walked down a cold street one day
Just so I could get used to its ways
I saw girls,who were of my age
with babies who are doomed from this day.
I walked down a cold street one day
Just so I could get used to its ways.
Now, I was cute as could be , as I walked , I heard boys calling for me , just tempting me to shout at them being wannabes.
I walked down a cold street one day
Just so I could get used to its ways
As i walk I see a little girl
who was carrying a bundle of tulips
I thought to myself what a nice thing to see on such a cold street.
I walked behind her to a grave
She stopped, she bent down to lay
the flowers on top,she bawled her eyes out. Yes she did. I had to plead for her to stop.She looked at me as if I was sour, she said 'you don't know me you don't understand my slumber' then she ran away from me.
I stood there alone , for I was starting to to get cold from the street.
I walked down a cold street one day
Just so I could get used to its ways.
I never did that day,but you know something?
I would definitely walk down
that cold street again one day
but not to learn its ways
but to visit that little girl
who taught me not to be


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