Midnight Michigan | Teen Ink

Midnight Michigan

January 31, 2014
By Jonathon Micheal BRONZE, Boston, Massachusetts
Jonathon Micheal BRONZE, Boston, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Midnight Michigan

I love the sight of glimmering
icicles in the moonlight, when the

moon is small, but bright, with
many tiny fans following its

every move. It streaks
across the night blue sky

sailing with its tiny little
sisters and brothers who want

to be just like him.
The snow glistens and

the beautiful snowflakes
falls near the window

their shapes and patterns
go down like planes,

down on a runway
slowly but surely

The cocoa steams around the rim
and pours out like a mid-day fog

marshmallows bob up and down
like a stranded buoy in a harbor

the winter breeze sounds like
a pack of wolves on a full moon night

when the moon is small, but bright, with
many tiny fans following its

every move.

The author's comments:
Midnight Michigan is about Michigan at midnight and all the amazing qualitys about Michigan and the snowy weather

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