The Skeleton in My Closet | Teen Ink

The Skeleton in My Closet

March 10, 2014
By Katelyn_Neely SILVER, Oil City, Pennsylvania
Katelyn_Neely SILVER, Oil City, Pennsylvania
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Oh, lingering skeleton in my closet
Keeping me awake throughout night

Rattling your bones, never leaving my thoughts
Making me hear you out of ruthless smite

Oh, lingering skeleton in my closet
Whispering to me my deepest regrets
Almost loud enough to tell the slandering world
Provoking my forehead to gleam with sweat

Oh, lingering skeleton in my closet
Please keep my secrets forever deep inside
Refrain from showing your skinless complexion
And when someone visits, remain to hide

Oh, lingering skeleton in my closet
No! Stop rattling your hollow bones
The constant reminders make me question my sanity
Eternally doomed to listen to your accusing moans

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