April Love | Teen Ink

April Love

March 27, 2014
By DanL. SILVER, Saint Michaels, Maryland
DanL. SILVER, Saint Michaels, Maryland
9 articles 1 photo 17 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life's not about waiting for the storm to pass, It's about learning to dance in the rain.

She was a joker; one reason why he loved her.
They had fun and laughed time away.
A year went by. Their love, still so pure.
But suddenly things seemed as if she didn’t want to stay.
She asked to meet, he said “okay, tell me where”
She said “by the cliff, drive there tonight”
His thoughts on that drive were a lot to bear.
He parked by the cliff. His jaw clamped tight.
She greeted him with a melancholy “Hi”
This made him uneasy; words coming out shaky.
“What do you need to talk about?” he said, meeting her eye.
“Us”, she said. “I just don’t think it was meant to be.”
Before he could speak, she handed him a folded note,
Started up her car and drove away in a fury of sorrow.
He watched her car speed away, lump in throat.
Just wishing for more of her time to borrow.
He threw his car in gear and drove to the edge.
The car flew down fast with the weight of a heavy heart.
He was found the next day. Between the seat and dash, he was wedged.
To get him out, they had to rip the wreckage apart.
The sweet warmth of life had left his body without a trace.
Debris littered the ground. While sifting through,
They found a note that read “April fools. I love you”

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